
Bullet Journaling and more

So I've tried many types of organizing for my day-to-day activities.  I've tried Day Planners from just any old box store.  I tried planning only on electronics such as Google Calendar.  I even went as far to purchase an Erin Condren.  I will admit I liked the EC but it was a little pricey.  I also struggled with the structured aspect of it.  I wanted to be able to add additional papers to it easily and have the chance to add more plans.   Recently a friend introduced me to Bullet Journaling.  There is a clear system of no system.  Make sense? Check out Bullet Journaling for a brief overview. Simply put, you get a plain notebook, create an index, and get planning.  You add what you want, when you need it.  Genius! I can add lists for future plans, lists of books I've read, and a daily plan spot for as much as I need.  Word to the wise, don't google Bullet Journaling layouts.  Unless you have a ton of extra time...

Stitch Fix help??

I have broken down and done it.  I have signed up for my very first Stitch Fix.  My normal shopping routine consists of me running to the store to look for some clothes for one or both of my girls, and by chance picking up something for myself.  Trying it on?? What is that? I usually try to at least determine if it will fit in a round about way. On a rare occasion, I will actually have a moment without the girls and I try to fit in all my needed shopping all in one store shopping. I am skeptical about the Stitch Fix program.  Just like I am about most things.  I finally decided to try it.  I left pretty detailed explanations to my stylist about me.  I set up a Pinterest board ( see it here ) for her to refer to.  I told her I wanted inexpensive pieces to add to my current wardrobe.  If when the clothes come I don't like any of them, I can return them easily in the prepaid shipping bag.  So my experience could be wonderful and I end...


How do you track your books? After beginning multiple books only to find out that I had already read them, I was on a mission.  I am one of those people who just can't seem to reread books.  I figure that there are TONS of books out there that I haven't read.  I like the newness and the surprise that a new book holds.  I found  There are a few options out there when it comes to tracking books.  I gravitated to Goodreads.  I like the simplicity of it.  You can track your books and even find recommendations.  There is so much more than I have even begun to use including challenges, groups, and discussions boards.  I also realized how little I read at times.  How can I encourage my students and own kids to read if I don't read much on my own?   Check out Goodreads and follow me!

Cady, the head-strong child

So tomorrow is Cady's birthday.  She will turn 4.  Where does time go? I feel like yesterday was the day we rushed to the hospital.  I always remember thinking it was odd when people spoke of time flying.  Now I know the enormous truth behind it! Cady is truly our spitfire child. She is outspoken and head strong.  She is always consistent too.  She stayed up for 3 hours yelling last night that she would not be sleeping until she watched her was way too late in the evening for that.  She would take breaks from screaming in order to calmly inform us that she would continue all night if she had too.  She woke up with an extremely hoarse voice this morning :) 

New Year

New Year means great possibilities! So it is a new year and there are plans being made! Plans of healthier lifestyles and more family time.   Plans of making memories and keeping them.  I am the worst at remembering things so I plan to write more down and take more pictures.  Here is the first! I asked Kels to make her bed.  Once the mounds of stuffed animals were placed on the bed, I kindly asked if we could giveaway a few to good homes in order to make room for her to sleep.  Her answer? Just to lay upon them! Of course! 

Summer 2014

July/ August 2014 So going with the theme of our lives, this summer was a whirlwind.  I changed to a new school as did both of my girls.  It has been a wonderful change.  We truly miss where we left but feel like we are settled into a place that is right.  I am realizing daily how resilient and steadfast our girls are. Neither had a problem changing schools.  I had more anxiety about switching then both of them combined ever could dream of.  They walk into their schools like they own them. We headed on a trip a few weeks back up to the Texas Hill Country.  Both girls were able to climb to the top of Enchanted Rock like it was a mere hill! K even went through a cave with her dad.  Even in the midst of being stuck literally in a tight spot, they slid blindly down a muddy slope in hopes of emerging victors.  No least from the 6 year old :)

Ok, I get's been a while

So, we have had a while since we talked.  We have been busy.  In fact, just now, I tried to start this post while watching a pre-recorded movie, listening to a oil class online, waiting for the kids to fall asleep, and having an adult beverage.  Just so you know, that does not work well.  I had to cut out a few things.  Kelsey and Cadie have changed so much since my last post.  Cadie is 3 and Kelsey is 6.  Kels just finished Kinder....wait did I just say that? I like to say that they are the best of friends at times and the worst of enemies at other times.  It is like each knows the buttons of the other.  Kels can not stand to be told multiple times the same thing and yet Cadence just seems to push that button hourly!  Cadie is my favorite morning girl! She has gotten into the routine of coming into our room at 5:30 (in the summer.....) and crawl into bed with us.  She insist on sharing my pillow because her dad's isn't good enough...