Summer 2014

July/ August 2014

So going with the theme of our lives, this summer was a whirlwind.  I changed to a new school as did both of my girls.  It has been a wonderful change.  We truly miss where we left but feel like we are settled into a place that is right.  I am realizing daily how resilient and steadfast our girls are. Neither had a problem changing schools.  I had more anxiety about switching then both of them combined ever could dream of.  They walk into their schools like they own them.

We headed on a trip a few weeks back up to the Texas Hill Country.  Both girls were able to climb to the top of Enchanted Rock like it was a mere hill! K even went through a cave with her dad.  Even in the midst of being stuck literally in a tight spot, they slid blindly down a muddy slope in hopes of emerging victors.  No least from the 6 year old :)
