Life around the Newest Corner

Life is ever changing it seems. Just when you think things are going to settle, another curve ball comes flying at you. Robbie finished Police Academy just in time to jet off to Park Law Enforcement Academy. We have another week and a half left until he comes home for good. I am the kind of person who feels it is better to complete all possible tasks now in order to not find myself extremely overwhelmed later. When our home was struck by lightning last year it made me realize no matter how simple of a life you try to lead, things can always change in an instant. So who thought it would be a fabulous idea to start new jobs that required Robbie to be in academies so much and me to start a new career in schools. Throw in the fact that I have graduate classes and state exam as well as all kinds of new aspects in life! Oh and by the way, add in continued potty training sessions and completing taxes! Life is full of surprises and constant change.

In the midst of change, I have stumbled upon a few helpful things that I am hoping will create a little sense of calm. Most people who know me know that as hard as I may try, I am not the housewife of the century who lives for cleaning. I recently found Motivated Moms which is a website that for $7 gives a daily "chores" to clean around the house. I know it sounds SOOO intriguing but stick with me. In addition to chores, it lists things that I often forget like reading a book and taking some me time. I may not like to clean like my sister in laws do BUT I LOVE checking things off of a checklist. This site lets you print check lists which is great...we'll see if it works for me...fingers crossed.

On to Kelsey news, she has joined what we call "Jump" class...known to all of you as toddler gymnastics. She loves it and can do a forward roll on her own now! This week she became sick for the first time in months with a fever. I think it was just a way to force mommy to stay home with her. The day we stayed home together was a free play day in her mind with absolutely no sickness or fever! Oh the joys of parenthood...I wonder who first coined that phrase.

Stay tuned for the next few updates.


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